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An Angry Fireplace, A Dead Mother and a Young Family; all living under one roof.

I became friends with a lovely women who lived down the street. A young family with kids.Overtime we got to know each other better, I told her what I did (clear houses) and she became intrigued. Since I also did design work? She asked me some advice about improving her home.In the conversation she mentioned that she and her family never liked being in their living room and so it just became hallway. It was such a lovely room with lots of light yet there was something off. When I got hired for the job to clear the whole house, I found that the fireplace held a lot of dark energy. I immediately got images of younger women burning old photos of past loves and doing a "moving onward and upward" sort of ritual. Benign, but it still packed weight in the feeling of the space. I cleared that room and once it felt better, I moved on.

The rest of the house felt fine except the bottom room in the back, the looked onto a tree in the backyard. I instantly felt sadness and knew someone was still there. Female, older and always looking at that tree. When I connected with her, there was a lot of regretful feelings towards her and the son she left behind. That is probably why the son can't let go of the house and is renting it to the family forever. I learned that the owner of the home was the son of the woman who died of old age in the home. Where did she sleep? In the bottom room looking out on that tree.

I have learned that when someone dies and they don't "leave" the connection tends to intensify feelings within those who are still living. I ended up doing a Family Soul Constellation piece there and the sadness began to dissipate. I did a few more pieces and then things shifted for the better. Less heaviness. When the whole house felt better, I let the woman know I was done. I didn't tell her much about where I felt it, but would give her a report in a few weeks. I always like to double blind to make sure my work is complete.

The next time I came over, they had rearranged the living room and were in it ALL the time. The room felt brighter, happier and vibrant. The house became a happier more cohesive home. Awesome!

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